Anna Mummert: Teaching

Whirligigs Wind Sculpture, Wilkeson Point Park, Buffalo, NY
Home Research Teaching

Teaching Philosophy

I loved lectures when I was a student, yeah, I’m that nerdy. And so when I began teaching this was my main strategy for classes and, I’ll confess, in certain classes it still is. If you would have asked me when I was an undergraduate, I’m sure I would have said I learned through lecture. When I think back to my actual learning, it was sitting down with problems and working through them until I understood. Active learning. Active learning is the main pedagogy I try to incorporate into my classes. Another true confession - I know I don't always succeed.

Selected Past Courses

I have taught a wide variety of courses across the mathematics and statistics curriculum. I have also taught the Marshall University general education first-year seminar course.


A three-part written case study with instructional material using agent-based modeling to examine seasonal and pandemic influenza spread and the effectiveness of different control strategies.